Our Favorite Brands to Support in the Grocery Store: Why We Love Them

There are so many great brands out there that support their local communities, and we wanted to take a moment to highlight a few of them. These brands go above and beyond in terms of giving back to their neighborhoods, and we think they deserve some recognition. From food brands that donate fresh produce to those who need it most, to retailers that work hard to create sustainable programs, here are some great companies out there when it comes to supporting their communities!
Whole Foods
We love Whole Foods because they donate fresh produce to food banks across the country. Food banks are an important source of food for low-income families, but they often don’t have access to fresh fruits and vegetables due in part to the high cost. Whole Foods is helping solve this problem by donating produce from their stores on a regular basis–which means more people will get healthy meals!
Trader Joe’s
We love Trader Joe's for their sustainable practices, like using recycled materials in their packaging and sourcing local ingredients. Sourcing local ingredients, particularly, is important because it helps farmers in your neighborhood keep their businesses afloat! Not to mention the fresher taste and quality you get when shopping local and in-season.
We love Kroger for their Community Rewards program, which donates money back to local schools and organizations based on purchases made by customers. In this way, Kroger gives right back to the communities they serve.
We love KIND for their philanthropy in supporting local organizations. Each month, the KIND Foundation gives a $10,000 grant to a nonprofit that is doing good work in its community. Efforts like this make us hopeful about the future of philanthropy, because it shows that big corporations are willing to give back and help those in need.
We hope this helps you feel more confident when shopping at your favorite stores. Knowing that they're supporting their communities is a great feeling! And if it gives you pause for thought about how many other companies are doing good work as well, then all the better.